New publications on carbon and glass single fibre testing

We are excited to share the following joint publications with our esteemed peers Francisco Mesquita, Stepan V. Lomov and Yentl Swolfs of KU Leuven, co-authored by Dr Steve Bucknell and Yann Leray of Dia-Stron. The research was carried out as part of the FiBreMoD project and references the Dia-Stron automated LEX/LDS for high-throughput tensile and dimensional measurements.
Francisco Mesquita, Steve Bucknell, Yann Leray, Stepan V. Lomov and Yentl Swolfs, “Single carbon and glass fibre properties using large data sets obtained through automated single fibre tensile testing”, Composites Part A 145 (2021), 106389
Francisco Mesquita, Steve Bucknell, Yann Leray, Stepan V. Lomov and Yentl Swolfs, “Large datasets of single carbon and glass fibre mechanical properties obtained with automated testing equipment”, Data in Brief 36 (2021) 107085